This resource is a portal to rides offered by other groups and individuals. Seven Hills Wheelmen has no association with the rides listed here, unless specified. Please send listings to LTolman@LTolman.org.
Weekly/Monthly Rides
We will update the listings if and when information is supplied. It’s best to call ahead to confirm these rides are occurring, as we don’t always receive timely updates. Rides start in Massachusetts unless specified otherwise.
8 a.m. Sundays (2024) — ROAD RIDES with QUINEBAUG VALLEY MULTISPORT, 25-35 miles, two groups, starting at Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, 165 Kennedy Drive, Putnam, Conn. Changing to 7 a.m. in July and August. Details: http://qvmultisport.com/rides.aspx#road Contact: qvmulti@gmail.com
9 a.m. Sundays (2024) — MILL STREET ride from Coes Pond Beach (John J. Binienda Memorial Beach at Coes Pond), 200 Mill St., Worcester. Show ‘n’ Go (no leader); ride at your own pace. Details: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61562347943878 Oct. 13: Tweed Ride (kind of like so, if you want to dress up), with coffee & pastries afterward at a rider’s home nearby.
6 p.m. Mondays (2024) — SOUTHBRIDGE BICYCLES ROAD RIDE, 17-30 miles (usually two or three groups), from Southbridge Bicycles, 930 Main St., Southbridge. Details: https://www.southbridgebicycles.com/articles/events-pg202.htm Contact: Southbridge Bicycles, 508-764-3657.
6 p.m. Mondays (2024) — RIDES with Quinebaug Valley Multisport, meet at parking lot for former Danielson Adventure Sports, 21 Furnace St., Danielson, Conn. Two groups, 17-20 miles. Updated COVID-19 Guidelines. Details: http://qvmultisport.com/rides.aspx#road Contact: qvmulti@gmail.com.
5:30 p.m. Tuesdays (starting May 21, 2024) — PAXTON RIDE, 17 miles with Worcester Road Club. Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/2386893758316274/2386893761649607/?active_tab=about
6 p.m. Wednesdays (starting May 1, 2024) — LANDRY’S WORCESTER ROAD RIDE, 17-20 miles, intermediate pace, from Landry’s Bicycles, 20 Jolma Road, Worcester. Contact: Landry’s Worcester store, 508-713-9695.
6 p.m. Thursdays (2024) — ROAD RIDES with Quinebaug Valley Multisport, meet at Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles, 165 Kennedy Drive, Putnam, Conn. Two groups, 13-20 miles. Details: http://qvmultisport.com/rides.aspx#road Contact: qvmulti@gmail.com.
6 p.m. Thursdays (starting May 9, 2024) — MOUNTAIN BIKE RIDE at Upton State Forest with Landry’s Bicycles, approx. 6 miles, beginner/novice level, Upton State Forest main entrance, 205 Westboro Road, Upton. More about Landry’s group rides. Contact: Landry’s Westboro store, 508-836-3878.
7 a.m. Saturdays (starting May 4, 2024) — LANDRY’S WESTBORO ROAD RIDE, approx. 30 miles at 15-17 mph average pace, 78 Turnpike Road, Westboro. Contact: 508-836-3878. More about Landry’s group rides. Contact: Landry’s Westboro store, 508-836-3878.